Are you confused about whether salt is good or bad for you, how much you should use and what type to purchase? Your body is made up of 75% salt water solution, similar to that of the ocean. Salt provides our body with sodium (necessary for life), chloride (which helps us digest proteins and carbohydrates and is needed for proper brain function and growth), and magnesium (produces enzymes, aids in nerve transmission, forms bone and tooth enamel and helps to build a resistance to heart disease). Sounds pretty good, right?
Unfortunately, not all salt is created equal. In fact, most of the salt that we consume is derived from table salt which is actually harmful to the body. As a holistic doctor and a salt lover, I decided to do my homework and find out the real scoop on salt. Read on to discover the difference between the types of salt, become a more educated consumer, and learn ways in which the right salt can benefit your health.
Table salt:
sodium chloride: an unnatural chemical form of salt
highly refined, unnatural, toxic and foreign to the body
contains chemicals, moisture absorbants, sugar, and additives
chemically cleaned with bleaching agents
often contains aluminum (toxic to the nervous system and primary cause of Alzheimer’s disease)
magnesium, iodine and trace minerals are removed during processing
contains added synthetic iodine which is unrecognizable to the body
dried at excessive temperatures (1,200°F) which alters its natural chemical nature
causes excess fluid in the tissues of the body that may contribute to the formation of cellulite, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, kidney stones and gall bladder stones
may contribute to high blood pressure, heart problems, kidney disease and skin disorders
Celtic sea salt:
obtained naturally from the sea
sun dried
provides natural iodine due to microscopic amounts of sea life it contains
contains minerals and trace elements
may contain toxins or pollutants if retrieved from contaminated water sources
beware of immitation “sea salt” which goes through a process of washing and boiling which removes minerals/trace elements and is toxic to the body
Himalayan Pink Salt:
pure, natural salt from the foothills of the Himalayas, millions of years old, nicknamed “white gold”
contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found in the human body including magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron
purest form of salt on earth
does not contain toxins or environmental pollutants
its natural minerals are easily absorbed by the cells of the body
energizing to the body
regulates and controls the levels of water within the body for proper functioning
promotes a healthy pH balance in the cells, especially within the brain cells
stabilizes blood sugar and prevents diabetes
reduces the signs of aging
assists in the generation of hydroelectric energy in the cells of your body
promotes the increase in absorption of food particles through the intestinal tract
supports respiratory and vascular health
improves sinus health and reduces occurance of sinus problems
prevents and reduces muscle cramping
increases bone strength
promotes and regulates healthy sleep
boosts libido
regulates blood pressure when combined with water
aids in the detoxification of heavy metals
What does the color mean?
Table salt is a bright white color due to a chemical bleaching process.
Sea salt should be a light grey color. This greyish hue indicates a very high level of minerals and nutrients. Sea salt that is pure white may indicate that it has been washed or boiled, which means the minerals and nutrients have been stripped away.
Himalayan salt is a vibrant pink color with varying hues of red, white and pink indicative of the salt’s rich variety of minerals and iron.
Craving salt?
Salt cravings may be a sign of adrenal fatigue and/or low blood pressure. Salt is very descending and grounding in nature, and for those who crave it, may also indicate that they are lacking a sturdy foundation in life and are in need of emotional stability. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can help to strengthen these deficiencies as well as address the underlying emotional causes.
A salt craving may also indicate a mineral deficiency in the body. Because table salt is lacking these minerals, it is especially important to use himalayan salt or a good quality Celtic sea salt to replenish these deficiencies. Soaking in epsom salt, himalayan salt or dead sea salt is a great well to help the body absorb minerals such as magnesium that may be lacking in the body. Himalayan salt baths are also a great way to eliminate toxins in the body, calm the nervous system, relieve stress, reduce water retention, mineralize the body and balance the body’s pH.
Himalayan salt is clearly the winner here. Ditch that table salt and make the healthier switch. Your food will taste even better and your body will definitely thank you!